Utopian politics
R A Butler once defined politics as 'the art of the possible.' Utopians reject that attitude entirely. To them it's possible to establish an 'ideal' society and they are determined to impose their vision on other people - by force, if necessary, but certainly by a combination of political pressure and media influence. Communism, fascism, National Socialism, religious fundamentalism, the ecological movement, political correctness, radical feminism, social conservatism and the 'woke' approach all share this same Utopian conception of the world. As a result they are dogmatic, intolerant and authoritarian and exercise their attempts to enforce their view of the world with varying degrees of tyranny. Of course it's possible to be authoritarian without being Utopian. Military dictatorships in particular are generally motivated almost entirely by lust for power, greed or fear and are complete cynical in their approach to life. On the other hand, Utopian attitu...